Vic Verdonck
3 min readMar 1, 2022


“The key to a successful relationship is being willing to put in the effort.”

This blog post is about how important it is to be willing to put in the effort for a relationship. If you’re not willing then it’s just going to end badly. We’ve all been there, when someone has done something that we didn’t like. We don’t want them to do it again. We’ve said “I told you so” or “I knew this would happen”. It’s hard for us because we want them to change but they won’t. It seems like an impossible situation. But if you can get past your anger and frustration, and think about what they’re feeling instead of what they did wrong Why is it important? Relationships are difficult. There are many factors that can lead to the demise of a relationship, but there is only one factor that can lead to its success. That one factor is willingness. It’s not enough for one person in a relationship to be willing – both people have to be willing for the relationship to work and grow. It is important for couples to maintain a healthy relationship, as it can be easy to neglect the needs of one another when we are too busy with our own lives. Fortunately, there are many ways that you and your partner can work on strengthening your bond. Couples counseling is an excellent way to communicate with one another about any issues that may have arisen in the relationship. You will also gain valuable insight from the counselor about how you should approach each other and what new things you both need to do in order to improve your connection. But how does one become willing?



Vic Verdonck

I explain how relationships work. How to tell people what you want to find out who will give you what you need.